Sunday, May 18, 2008

She's only 3!

Our daughter, who has PPD-NOS, would not speak. After early intervention services which didn't help, we were persuaded to put her in speech therapy in the local elementary school. After all, we paid for it, might as well get some benefit from it.

For weeks nothing happened. So I thought I would stop sitting with them. Maybe it's me. By this time, she was talking a mile a minute at home; but nowhere else. She had a breakthrough that day and came home like a decorated hero - stickers everywhere!

But it didn't happen again. Her IEP team wants to put her in the Early Childhood Class next year. As veteran homeschoolers we balk at this. We compromised by trying the class for the last nine days of school. My biggest problem is being tied to someone else's schedule. I'm told there is a bus for my convenience. SHE'S ONLY THREE! Why would I put her on a bus? Her security is more important than my CONVENIENCE.

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