Monday, December 26, 2005


Clutter. It fills our lives. My husband and I are trying to sort through our clutter; trash, give away, keep. We're filling boxes and boxes.

How did we amass so much stuff? After all, we're poor. We've made choices to keep us home with our children; those choices tend to eliminate high-dollar careers. Of course, because we're poor people give us things. All our furniture is hand-me-downs from various family and friends. Nothing matches but it's homey.

Of course, we can't let a gift-giving occasion go by without a book. And when you collect books you must have bookshelves. The books are the hardest to declutter; neither of us can bear to throw a book away.

Clothes seem to be easiest to sort. And the papers! We could drown in our sea of paper. From years past; definitely time to throw away much of those items. The paper will be easy, just toss or file. Certainly won't be giving away sheafs of electric bills.

We're already seeing such a difference. The house seems more spacious, light and airy. We eagerly anticipate beginning the next project. And getting rid of the clutter in our house is helping clear the clamor in our souls. Fabulous!

Anyone need some baby clothes?

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