Sunday, December 20, 2009

God's Goodness

" thy goodness, O God, thou didst provide for the needy."

My husband's employer gave a small bonus this year. I immediately thought "Christmas!" and proceeded to spend it. The rest of his check was spoken for, of course, with everyday bills. I did not go wild: each child gets only three gifts, but with five children... plus, I didn't want to be in town Christmas week, so the bulk of the money went for three weeks of groceries. I reached the end of the bonus before I reached the end of the shopping.

So. I have two godparent gifts and my mother-in-law left the day before I meet the girls in my Mom's Group for our Christmas Outing. We usually get a little ornament there; so one of the godparents' gifts would be taken care of. I run the Secret Sister Program - so I wouldn't be getting anything from that corner, I THOUGHT. But in His goodness, God provides for the needy. I received three gifts that day, parts of which I could re-gift to my mother-in-law, and one of the ladies made a sweet craft for everyone - which went to the other godparent!

I had worried about the food lasting us until the next paycheck, then remembered the Lion's Club in their kindness always gives us a box at Christmastime. But it turns out, Bill had called to say we got a bonus this year and to please give our box to someone who needs it more. So. God in His goodness, will take care of the needy. I can hardly wait to see what He has in store!

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