Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fear and Love

So I'm reading Journaling As A Spiritual Practice: Encountering God Through Attentive Writing by Helen Cepero. I've felt for some time now a nudge from God to write (okay, a brick. A wall thrown brick by brick at me.). And not just journaling, or blogging, but books. But I'm afraid to actually start. 'Cause, what if I fail? What if I succeed? What if ... a thousand other things? In my reading of Ms. Cepero's book I found these gems:

Pat Schneider in Writing Alone and With Others says, "Where there is fear, there is buried treasure. Something important lies hidden - something that matters...." At the intersection of our deepest fear and greatest desire is where God waits for us with the gift of his presence, the hope of grace.The courage required to face our fears will not come to us because we are brave but because we know we are loved. Only by allowing God's love to meet us at the point of our greatest fear will we move from being people of fear to people of faith. When we name our fears and let go, we do not then find courage, but our unclaimed self and God's embrace and love for the very things that caused us such terror in the first place.

In my writing something matters. I KNOW I am loved. I am fearful to begin writing but God is waiting for me there and together we will share His love in my love of writing.

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